From the course: Illustrator 2024 Essential Training

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Using tints

Using tints

- [Narrator] Tints are a way that you can get more out of less colors. And again, these go back to printing initially where inks were very expensive and if you wanted to add some variation, then you would add the inks thinned out to create that variation. Let's have a look at this in this particular graphic here. So we have our spot color, and by the way, this is a very reduced swatches panel. The way that was achieved was by going to the fly out here, choosing select all unused, and then deleting them just to see what we were left with here. Okay, but if we go to the color panel, we can see that everything here that is yellow is using this TRUMATCH 12-a1 at 100%. Well, let's go ahead then and click on a couple of different things here. Let's actually click on the main body of the skull face here, and let's then put in a value, maybe something like, I don't know, 15% there like so. That's going to look pretty good.…
