From the course: Illustrator 2024 Essential Training
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Other selection methods - Illustrator Tutorial
From the course: Illustrator 2024 Essential Training
Other selection methods
- [Instructor] So far, we have looked at the Selection tool itself, great for selecting objects, and we've also looked at the Direct Selection tool, which is great for selecting points. Now, I'll just zoom in here. It can be used as a selection tool with a marquee like so. And actually, sometimes you can select objects with it too, but that's not always the best way to pick those up. Nested with that, we have another tool, the Group Selection tool, but we're going to leave that just for now until we get to the chapter on groups. So underneath that, we have the Lasso tool. Q, because that key looks like a lasso, is the accelerator to get to it. And with this one, you can drag around groups of points like so, and that's fantastic if they're not easily achievable with just a marquee. It's a very useful thing to have. We have also a Magic Wand tool. Now, this has a little bit of similarity with the one that you will find…
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