From the course: Illustrator 2024 Essential Training

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Aligning objects

Aligning objects

- [Instructor] The next part in our voyage of exploration into discovery in Illustrator, and by the way, pun totally intended, we're going to be taking a look at alignment and distribution. Now in this movie, I would like you to open up the Align panel, which you will find in the Window menu, like so. Hopefully, it will open up fully expanded. If not, the quickest way perhaps is to go to the panel flyout and choose Show Options from there. Because although we do get some basic alignment controls that show up in the interface if you select one of the barrels here, for example, you will see we have the basic options there, we want the full show in here for this particular movie. You can always close it afterwards by hitting the X, whichever side that's on for your operating system. When you do have a single object in Illustrator, where it aligns to is defaulted to the art board. And you can see here in the align to options,…
