From the course: iCloud Essential Training

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Upgrade to iCloud+ or Apple One

Upgrade to iCloud+ or Apple One - iCloud Tutorial

From the course: iCloud Essential Training

Upgrade to iCloud+ or Apple One

- [Instructor] A basic iCloud account is free, and you can use most of the iCloud features with that free account. But, you do also have the option to pay to upgrade your account. Of course, the upgrades will give you additional online storage space, but they will also unlock additional services, important features that we will see in this course. There are two ways to upgrade your iCloud account, and we'll start with iCloud+. In another video, we briefly talked about upgrading your storage space. If you do that, you will be upgrading to iCloud+. You can see here that there are different tiers for iCloud+, which give additional online storage space, but they also offer other features. Those extra features and the amount of storage space are different between these tiers. These features could change in the future, but at the time of this recording, you can upgrade to 50 gigabytes of storage, 200 gigabytes, and the third tier has even more storage options. All of these will allow you to…
