From the course: How to Support Flexible Work as a Manager

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Keep lines of communication open

Keep lines of communication open

- One of the challenges you'll face as you transition to flexible working is how to communicate with your employees about this. People are going to have questions about the new way of working and you need to be able to address their concerns. You'll also have to communicate about your company's needs and requirements so that employees understand why there might be some limitations. On that note, I just want to emphasize just how important it is for you to be transparent with your staff. So rather than just telling them about the new policy let them know why your flexibility will be offered, how your company is making decisions about this and what the future could hold. So be clear about the big picture here, share the goals that your company has for flexibility whether that's improving work life balance, promoting mental health, or keeping turnover rates low. Also let your employees know if your company has many concerns…
