From the course: How to Support Flexible Work as a Manager

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Case study

Case study

- Verizon is one of the world's leading providers of technology communication services. They offer voice, data, and video services on an award-winning network. In the U.S., the company depends on employees to work in person at retail stores. But after the pandemic hit, they recognize the need to offer employees greater flexibility and that wasn't always easy for managers to negotiate. Verizon helped alleviate some of the difficulty by sharing messages from leaders and more on their daily internal news program Up To Speed. To find out more, I spoke with Ashley Wright, a retail manager based in North Carolina who shared some of the challenges she faced and how she communicated with her team. - [Ashley] We did what's called Up To Speed where the company let us know what was happening every single day. And so I was able to even go back and watch some of those videos so I can bring that information back to them accurately.…
