From the course: How to Support Flexible Work as a Manager

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Case study

Case study

- Now that we've discussed how to assess your readiness for flexible work, let's look at a company that made this happen despite their very unique work requirements. Amazon relies on its warehouse associates to fulfill millions of orders each year but it may come as somewhat of a surprise that the company has found ways to make flexibility work even for some of the onsite team members. Nicole Bilich, an HR manager at Amazon faced a lot of challenges when introducing flexibility, she had to figure out how to balance the needs of her team with the company's operational needs. - [Nicole] So my team, I have 12 of them that are hourly associates, we do work within a warehouse. So some of the challenges we have is being a support department within a facility that runs almost 24 hours a day and did not close during any of the pandemic. So flexibility has been really important to my group, we have a lot of families, so we have a…
