From the course: How to Sell Anything with Confidence

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Using feel, felt, found

Using feel, felt, found

- Imagine this. You're a parent of a two-year-old, and every night at dinner, you are on a quest to get them to eat their vegetables. It's become your least favorite time of the day because you know how important it is to get good nutrients into your kid, but you also know how stubborn they are. Last night turned into a standoff worthy of an old Western movie. You at one end of the table yelling, "Just eat your broccoli," while your toddler was at the other end refusing to open their mouth. Eventually, you got so tired of yelling that you just gave up and that broccoli remained uneaten. But tonight you head in with a different approach. You put the broccoli on their plate and as soon as you hear them say, "No," you turn and reply with this. "Oh, I know how you feel. "When there are other yummy things on my plate, "I sometimes don't want to eat my broccoli either. "But when I take just a little bit of broccoli on…
