From the course: How to Prepare for Your Negotiations

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Intro to preparing for negotiations

Intro to preparing for negotiations

- [Female Speaker] If you look at negotiation, that whole process, as a problem solving process. And then that's going to orient you towards working together collaborative. Whether doing an internal negotiation within an organization, or even within a family, or whether you're negotiating with outside vendors, or outside collaborators. We want to, who, who you're going to work with as independent contractors or entities from, from what they're buying products or services. All those things take on a whole different orientation when you see negotiation as a problem solving process. - [Male Speaker] Right, that makes a lot of sense. And that's one of the things I was really excited to talk to you about is focusing in on the process of negotiation from preparation to engagement. And I think it would be good for the audience to see your approach to negotiation and the process you use. So, in your opinion, with the thinking…
