From the course: How to Freelance and Get Paid Making Digital Commercials

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Project review

Project review

- So, I just walked you guys through the project. What it was like to work from it beginning to end. Now I'm going to show you the final project, and sort of go over what thoughts and ideas where in my head as I put it together, and how I executed on it. All right, so this was for Tung. The film burns and intro that they provided really set the tone for the project and gave me something to work with in a more stylized setting. The location was great and it allowed me to do a lot of depth and a lot of shallow focus, which really looks good, cause he pops out of the background, and you still get the whole environment of the shirts he's in. I was able for those flashes, I'm actually just punching in. I didn't shoot to there, so I'm using my wide, and then punching in to a closer video with a digital zoom. And the export was 720, so that helped out a lot where I didn't get much pixel loss. Now, a lot of these I had a…
