From the course: How to Freelance and Get Paid Making Digital Commercials

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Pitching a client

Pitching a client

- Hey, everyone, we just talked about how much to charge, now we're going to talk about in lesson five, how to pitch a client. So let's say for an example, you reached out on Craigslist and you got an email back saying that they're interested. You're going to want to either talk to 'em on email, on the phone or in person and there's a few different things just to keep in mind when you're doing each one. In email, when I send out the initial email to a client, if they haven't given a budget and they don't ask for a rate, I hold off on giving one. 'Cause I'm scared, I don't want to send it off and scare them if they see it's too high 'cause I like to talk to them first and sort of cater my rates to each project as best I can so that I'm not giving up a big project just because they're expecting to pay a little less. And once again, you want to have a minimum so you're not just shortchanging yourself every time but it's good…
