From the course: How to Freelance and Get Paid Making Digital Commercials

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Finding freelance work

Finding freelance work

- Hi everybody last lesson we discussed about how to get started, and this lesson we're going to discuss how to find work. Sort of the million dollar question. So there's many way to go about doing it and I'm just going to talk a little about each one. The first is once again access your network, so family and friends whether you're doing it for them, they have people they know that might be able to refer you. Personally for me when I started out my mother is a teacher, so she told her teacher friends and how they would actually do some productions for her school and for some other schools, just by word of mouth that oh he does film? We need film work. Because surprisingly a lot of people don't know filmmakers and videographers and if they hear that, that sticks out to them and they're definitely going to pursue you, and that's very helpful if you don't have maybe some work to show, if someone's referencing you of a friend…
