From the course: How to Find Sales Leads
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Approach to your network
From the course: How to Find Sales Leads
Approach to your network
- Next is an incredibly powerful tool that is so often overlooked. And that is to use your network. Just take your newly defined parameters and ask. Speak to your peers and say, "I'm looking for businesses "that are of this size, operate in this market, "are growing up this speed," whatever it may be. "Are there any that come to mind?" Maybe they've dealt with them before, maybe they're customers to them, and maybe they've heard about them on the grapevine and want to target them as well. You don't know until you ask. They can either say, "No," in which case it was worth asking, or they say "Yes," and then you gain a free prospect that took you zero effort to hunt for, and you might even get some additional tips about how to approach them. So it's clearly a good idea to ask. But who do you ask, do you ask your boss, do you ask your friend, do you ask your grandmother? Well, the choice is yours. But just like when we…