From the course: How to Edit Videos on Your iPhone Using CapCut for Creators
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Adding video or photo overlays - CapCut Tutorial
From the course: How to Edit Videos on Your iPhone Using CapCut for Creators
Adding video or photo overlays
- [Instructor] Overlays in video editing allow you to stack multiple video clips or photos on top of each other. This can be great if you want to reference something from a photo or another video. So let's take a look at how to add these in CapCut. To get started, click the overlay button on the bottom of the screen and then click add overlay. This'll take you into your photo gallery where you can either select a video or a photo to make as an overlay. For this example, I'm going to scroll down to some footage I have of the LinkedIn Learning's campus. Once your footage is selected, click the add button on the bottom right section. As you can see, our video is now an overlay in our timeline. You may also notice that our LinkedIn logo that we put in the top right corner is now being blocked by this video. This is an easy fix. In the bottom settings section, scroll over to the layers section. In here, we can change the…