From the course: How to Edit Videos on Your iPhone Using CapCut for Creators
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Adding transitions to a video - CapCut Tutorial
From the course: How to Edit Videos on Your iPhone Using CapCut for Creators
Adding transitions to a video
- Transitions are designed to help move from one video scene to another. For example, if I'm doing a talking head video like this it might make sense to add a transition between this video and the video where I share my screen. Transitions can also be used on things like text, video overlays, and stickers, which we'll get into in the upcoming videos. So let's first take a look at how we can add transitions to our videos. To do this, just look between two video clips in your timeline. You'll notice a white box in between them with usually a black line there. Simply click on this to pull up the transitions panel. In here, you'll find a whole bunch of different albums that you can click through to find different transitions that you can apply to your video. To apply one, simply click on your video and it'll give you a preview of how that transition will look with your clips. You'll also notice underneath that there is a bar…