From the course: How to Edit Videos on Your iPhone Using CapCut for Creators

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Adding music

Adding music

- [Instructor] Music has the ability to change the mood and feel of your video. So let's take a look at a few different ways we can add music to our project. At the bottom of the screen, click Audio and from here you can click Sounds. This will bring you into CapCut's built-in music library. From in here, you can easily browse through the albums and be able to find music for your videos. When you do find a song, simply click the plus button next to it and it'll add it to your project. It's important to note though, that many of the songs in the CapCut editor are designed for TikTok only. So if you use this music elsewhere on any other third party social media site, you may run into copyright issues. So let's take a look at another way we can add music if we were to get the rights and download the song onto our phone. The first step is to download the song you want to use from a third party website. I like to use the…
