From the course: How to Create Executive-Level Data Visualizations
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Fast fixes
From the course: How to Create Executive-Level Data Visualizations
Fast fixes
It was a Thursday morning when I answered my phone. The executive on the other end said, "I'm sending you a lot of really dense charts on our new initiative, the CEO just wants to see the story." I replied, "No problem, when is your meeting?" I thought I might have a day or two. The answer? "The meeting is in one hour." I never worked so fast in my life. That's an extreme example, but you've likely felt that pressure too when the big meeting is in one day, one hour, or even one minute. In this lesson, I'll give you five fast fixes that will help you make your charts ready for that meeting when time is very tight. If you literally only have one minute, the fastest way to make your chart better is to highlight one part. Let's look at this example, a chart called Consistent Store Sales Growth. This is way too much data to go through in a meeting. And on top of that, it's overwhelming to look at. But if you could highlight one thing, what would it be? Aha. The south region has the best…
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