From the course: How to Create Executive-Level Data Visualizations

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Dramatic stories

Dramatic stories

Picture yourself sitting in a movie theater. You look up at the big screen and what do you see? An amazing story, incredible characters, and the ending that blows you away. Yes, there's movie magic happening, but there's also a blueprint for telling a great story. And what works in movies can work in your data presentation. I'll show you how to wow executives with a classic story structure using books, plays, TV shows, and movies. Once you know the structure, you can use it to bring your data to life. It all starts with the tried and true framework for a good story. The three act structure. No surprise, it's a beginning, a middle, and an end. What is surprising is how those three acts align with a business presentation. You're beginning includes some objectives and methodology. This is where you're setting the stage and introducing the conflict. In this example, we need to meet a goal of engaging with 20 million customers by the end of the year. The conflict is clear. We're falling…
