From the course: How Do I Do That in Premiere Pro

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How do I render an Adobe Premiere Pro sequence?

How do I render an Adobe Premiere Pro sequence? - Premiere Pro Tutorial

From the course: How Do I Do That in Premiere Pro

How do I render an Adobe Premiere Pro sequence?

- Let's talk for a moment about rendering. People really come from different camps here because it comes with different experience levels and different backgrounds. For those who've been editing video for a long time, the act of rendering was really a normal thing because you had to do it. I remember back in the day when I first started working on Avid Media Composers, which cost over a $100,000, that we would wear a button or a sticker that said, "Leave me alone, I'm rendering." Most because we got tired of people asking why we weren't working. And our answer was simple. "Hey, just buy us another a $100,000 system and we will, otherwise this one needs an hour to process the effects." Well, things have gotten a lot better as software and operating systems and hardware have made quantum leaps from those early days of nonlinear editing, but even still we often have to render, or do we? Well, it really depends on what your…
