From the course: How Do I Do That in Premiere Pro
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How do I do a slide edit in Adobe Premiere Pro? - Premiere Pro Tutorial
From the course: How Do I Do That in Premiere Pro
How do I do a slide edit in Adobe Premiere Pro?
- Our next tool is the slide tool. And it's similar to slipping. In this case, we are preserving certain aspects of the shot. Now, previously, the shots stayed in the same location, but the contents changed. Now, we're flipping it. The shot's contents are going to stay the same but we're going to change its location in the timeline. Effectively, if we move the shot two seconds later we would be shortening the clip that's incoming by two seconds, and making the outgoing clip two seconds longer. So what we're doing here is sliding the shot through the timeline. You'll find this tool located in the same well as Slip, it's just called Slide. And the icons give you a pretty good idea of what's happening. Let's mute these tracks and take a look at just what's happening here, in this sequence. Waterfall went by really quickly. So I want to drag this shot a little later. Notice, what we're seeing here in the lower frames are…
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