From the course: How Do I Do That in Premiere Pro
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How can I use blending modes in Adobe Premiere Pro? - Premiere Pro Tutorial
From the course: How Do I Do That in Premiere Pro
How can I use blending modes in Adobe Premiere Pro?
- A great technique for mixing layers together is blending modes. You've seen me use it a few times already in this course. Blend modes allow you to interact between two layers and change properties much more than just opacity. You can map the color or tonal values of one layer to another. Let's go here and take a look at two examples. We'll start with five two blend one. You see our original footage from a music video and the stylized distressed look we came up with. This one actually uses multiple layers. Let's explore here. I'll turn off a few layers and we'll re-enable 'em as we go. We've got our video layer followed by texture. I could select that texture and look at the effect controls here and change the blending mode. Multiplies preserving the color, lighten the ability to just map things like the luminosity values. Notice how each of these plays a bit differently. And there's a lot of fun here as you…
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