From the course: How Do I Do That in After Effects

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How do I set up a composition in After Effects?

How do I set up a composition in After Effects? - After Effects Tutorial

From the course: How Do I Do That in After Effects

How do I set up a composition in After Effects?

- Now that you understand how to bring assets in, let's start to explore compositions. Compositions allow us to organize our content and effectively build with all the pieces. Go ahead and save your work. We'll come back to this project state a little bit later in the course. Once you've saved it, I'll choose file, close project. Now we have a new untitled project. What I'm going to do is go into folder two and open up 2_1 Start. Now, in this case I opened up the project and one of the items is offline. You can see this by the color bars. This could happen for a variety of reasons. Maybe you've rearranged the project, made a few edits or changed a source file folder. This particularly happens if you forget to move an item, when you're copying from one location to another, or maybe you rename something. That's what happened here. What I'm going to do is fix this. So I'll double click on the offline item and navigate.…
