From the course: How Do I Do That in After Effects
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How do I link multiple layers in After Effects? - After Effects Tutorial
From the course: How Do I Do That in After Effects
How do I link multiple layers in After Effects?
- Once you've got something built with multiple layers, you may find yourself wanting to link those layers together. Earlier, you learned about precomposing as a method to actually nest them into their own layer But sometimes you want the layers preserved. In this case, you could turn to another concept. Let's open up 5_4LinkStart. And you see we've got our aligned icons. Now what I'm going to do is add an invisible object from the Layer, New Menu called a Null. A null is just an empty object that sits there in the middle. Now what I can do is select the other objects here, I'll deselect the null and use the pick whips to connect them. Now all of them are attached to the null. If we were to move the position value of the null, everything moves with it. If we were to convert these to all 3D space by clicking on the 3D icon and we were to rotate the null in 3D space, watch what happens. The icons revolve in 3D space.…
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