From the course: How Do I Do That in After Effects
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How do I import a layered Illustrator file in After Effects? - After Effects Tutorial
From the course: How Do I Do That in After Effects
How do I import a layered Illustrator file in After Effects?
- In the previous example, we brought in a layered Photoshop file. This is great because Photoshop works with raster graphics, those that are comprised of pixels. However, you may find yourself wanting to be able to animate things that are much larger or that can be infinitely scaled. Well, in that case, you want vectors, which are graphics that use mathematical vectors to describe shape. Usually, they're not photorealistic, but rather, more simple in design. The process is virtually the same. I'll double click in the empty area and navigate to folder 1.3 Illustrator. Here, I have an AI file. I'm going to choose to bring this in, not as footage, but as individual compositions. In this case, I'm going to choose to bring them in and tell them to retain the layer size. When you import a Photoshop file or an Illustrator file, you have an important choice. The composition size means that each item is going to be cropped…
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How do I import and organize footage for my After Effects project?4m 2s
How do I import a layered Photoshop file in After Effects?1m 28s
How do I import a layered Illustrator file in After Effects?2m 23s
How can I find things in an After Effects project?4m 13s
How can I easily move things from Premiere Pro to After Effects?4m 25s