From the course: How Do I Do That in After Effects
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How can I refine the velocity and ease of a layer to make it look more natural? - After Effects Tutorial
From the course: How Do I Do That in After Effects
How can I refine the velocity and ease of a layer to make it look more natural?
- With key frames, there are many things we can do to make them look more natural. After all, objects rarely move at a constant speed. There is acceleration and deceleration. Let me show you some options that can help. Let's take a look at the similar animation. Here's the end result. Now I've done a little bit of different types of movement here, but you can see we're animating both position and rotation. Right now I'd like this to look a little better. So that's the end result. And you notice how they kind of slow down gradually at the end. But if we don't adjust velocity, things don't feel quite the same. So let's tweak this a little bit. First up, I want to really increase number of rotations. So I'm going to take this first key frame here and add three additional rotations there. So three spins plus 45 degrees. Let's do the same thing here. Three full revolutions plus the 45 degrees. And let's come down…
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