From the course: How Do I Do That in After Effects
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How can I batch export from After Effects? - After Effects Tutorial
From the course: How Do I Do That in After Effects
How can I batch export from After Effects?
- I mentioned earlier, the concept of batch rendering. This is really important, because it allows you to put off rendering, until you are ready to do it. What you're going to want to do here, is queue up multiple items in the render queue. Then you could set the project up for export. The ability to batch export, gives you the flexibility to queue up things, in order to process. For example, you could select multiple pieces of footage, and then generate. Let's say I wanted to process this footage layer. I could add that to the render queue. Additionally, I could select my finished product here, which is more of an animated ad, and render it out. Let's add that to the render queue as well. Now, if we take a look at the render queue, you'll see that everything is queued up. There was actually something in here from before, so I'll delete it, but this gives you the ability to control things. For example, we could…
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