From the course: Holding Your Team Accountable

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Trusting each other

Trusting each other

- A team without trust can't function at the highest levels. If you want your team to deliver results that matter for your organization, you must take the time to invest in establishing trust on your team. Trust is foundational to accountability. If you want me to take responsibility for my actions and consider the team as a whole, I have to be able to trust you as a leader. Here are some things you can do to help your team trust you and each other. The first is to demonstrate trust first. As a manager, you can take the lead by showing your teammates you trust them. Relationships are reciprocal. If you trust me, I'm more likely to trust you. Micromanaging, for example, is a behavior that suggests a lack of trust. Your intentions may simply be to keep up with the status of deliverables, but you need an open dialogue with your teammates to establish the line between enforcing expectations and micromanagement. And this…
