From the course: Holding Your Team Accountable

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Communicating clear expectations

Communicating clear expectations

From the course: Holding Your Team Accountable

Communicating clear expectations

- Attempting to move forward without clear direction is frustrating. It's like trying to drive a car in fog. You can't see where you're going, so you have to slow down or even stop. Maybe you miss your turn and you have to circle back and backtrack. Teams without clear direction function in the same way. They waste time, resources, and create frustration. You can't expect people to be accountable if there aren't clear expectations or objectives. If I were to ask the people on your team questions about your work, goals, and budget, would they all give me the same answer? If not, now's the time to get everyone in alignment. There are some expectations you have as a manager that are based on your personal preferences. We all have 'em. The ways we like to get things done. If you have any preferences that you see as non-negotiable, make sure you've shared them with your team explicitly. You are more likely to get the results…
