From the course: Holding Your Team Accountable

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Coaching underperformance

Coaching underperformance

- There might be legitimate reasons why your hardworking employees may underperform from time to time. This could be a developmental gap or maybe some extenuating circumstances. This is where you as a manager can coach your employees to help them improve. Failing to appropriately address the issue can create problems on your team. Plan to have a coaching conversation where you directly address the problem. This is the best way to deal with under performance when you're dealing with an issue from an otherwise high performer on your team. As a manager, enter this conversation with these objectives. Make it clear that there's a problem. Understand what happened from your employee's perspective. Help your employee determine a solution for preventing this from happening again. Managers often look to address under performance by simply providing the feedback that something didn't go well. Rather than lecturing your employee…
