From the course: Holding Your Team Accountable

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Allowing consequences for underperformance

Allowing consequences for underperformance

From the course: Holding Your Team Accountable

Allowing consequences for underperformance

- You've probably heard the proverb. Give a person a fish and feed them for a day. Teach a person to fish and you'll feed them for a lifetime. Sometimes as managers, it feels easier to take care of things for yourself or jump in and save the day when something is about to go wrong. I understand the urge to swoop in. You want to save your employees from the disappointment and frustration of failure, but when you jump in, you're literally preventing them from having the experience of learning from their mistakes. Consider allowing some natural consequences to occur when you know your team is missing the mark. Now, obviously, you want to be thoughtful about when you choose not to step in. A high profile deliverable isn't the right time. So if they're on the verge of a train wreck, consider your timing. That said, if you see things falling apart and you think it would be a good teachable moment, allow the situation to run its…
