From the course: Holding Your Team Accountable

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Accountability in cross-functional teams

Accountability in cross-functional teams

From the course: Holding Your Team Accountable

Accountability in cross-functional teams

- An article in the "Harvard Business Review" titled "75% of Cross-Functional Teams Are Dysfunctional" shared the unique challenges cross-functional teams from different industries faced. Guess what? Most of the problems the research identified are tied to accountability and team communication. Here are some things you can do to help ensure your cross-functional team isn't dysfunctional. You've probably heard the expression, "Too many chefs spoil the stew." You have the benefit of multiple subject matter experts on your cross-functional team, but everyone can't be the leader. Establish a clear structure so that the roles and responsibilities of everyone on the team are clear. As the team manager, you may not have direct authority over the people on this team. They could be your peers or direct reports to your peers in other units. Rather than assign roles, have the group determine the appropriate roles and…
