From the course: Holding Your Team Accountable

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Accountability in colocated teams

Accountability in colocated teams

From the course: Holding Your Team Accountable

Accountability in colocated teams

- Co-located teams or teams that operate in a shared physical space have some specific benefits. The proximity and regular face-to-face interactions can build stronger interpersonal bonds among team members. The strengths of these social relationships can become a weakness if not managed properly. Here are a few specific behaviors to look out for. Caution number one, overemphasizing relationships. Co-located teams tend to be more socially oriented than remote teams. While this is a great strength, the risk of socially oriented teams is that they'll value the relationships over the work product. This means they might be reluctant to speak up on an important issue because they don't want to hurt the team's harmony. And while social relationships, especially bonds like trust, absolutely matter, they can't supersede the best interests of the team. If you notice, members of your team are holding back, encourage candor,…
