From the course: Hiring and Supporting Neurodiversity in the Workplace
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Communicating in the workplace
From the course: Hiring and Supporting Neurodiversity in the Workplace
Communicating in the workplace
- What's something at work you can't avoid no matter how hard you try? Communication, it's everywhere and part of everything we do. While clear communication is a universal necessity in the modern workplace, its importance is amplified when supporting our neurodivergent colleagues. To communicate is to share information, not always verbal or written, but in documents, processes, training, and all other vehicles used within your organization to provide information. We can foster a more inclusive and supportive work environment by ensuring our communication is understood effectively. For example, let's discuss what a job description communicates to someone in the workplace. Employees hold themselves accountable for the essential job functions because they want to understand their responsibilities distinctly. If your job descriptions aren't well written, you risk an employee wasting valuable energy on tasks that aren't necessary. You can prevent this by ensuring the employee's job…
The neurodivergent working population3m 14s
Communicating in the workplace4m 5s
Interview: Being a neurodivergent manager or leader8m 29s
Neurodivergence and hiring3m 27s
Psychological safety and self-advocacy2m 19s
Interview: The disclosure decision (Part 1)6m 49s
Accommodations and holistic supports3m 50s