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Using the Task Manager

Using the Task Manager

- [Instructor] The Task Manager is where you turn when a program gets stuck, but it offers more troubleshooting features than just killing off dead apps. To summon the Task Manager, press the Control + Shift + Escape keyboard combination. This window lists running programs, but there's more. If you see this abbreviated version of the Task Manager, click the More details button. There, that's more like it. Also, if you need to access the Task Manager when a program is truly stuck, and you can't otherwise see the desktop or use the Control + Shift + Escape keyboard shortcut, press Control + Alt + Delete. Now, I can't show that screen here, but the Control + Alt + Delete shortcut works when you could be stuck in full screen game or some other app that stubbornly refuses to quit. So, on this screen you see a list of running programs as well as background processes. If a program is stuck or won't otherwise quit, select it…
