From the course: Help Yourself: Tech Tips Weekly

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Using system restore

Using system restore

- [Instructor] The advantage of setting a system restore point is to restore your system to an earlier, more tolerable state. Follow these steps. First, ensure that you save all your stuff. So close all open windows and get ready to restart your computer. Press the Windows and R keyboard shortcut and type, all one word, systempropertiesadvanced. All one word. In the Systems Properties dialog box, click the System Protection tab, click the System Restore button. Now, you can read this screen if you have time, but you're probably in a hurry. So, click the Next button and here you see a list of restore points either set by Windows, by software you installed, or manual restore points you may have set before a hardware upgrade, a system configuration binge, or just because. And you can click the Show More Restore Points box to view additional restore points. So, choose a restore point and then click the Next button.…
