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Using a UPS

Using a UPS

- [Instructor] A UPS is an uninterruptible power supply. It could also be a package delivery service, but for protecting your electronics, it's a power supply. The primary feature of a ups is its a battery. In the event of a power failure or a low voltage event called a dip, the UPS battery immediately takes over, powering your computer and any connected electronics. The solution is temporary. The UPS keeps the system running long enough for you to save files and shut down properly. In effect, it makes the computer's power uninterruptible. A good UPS offers several features. First is power replacement in the event of a power failure, just as I mentioned. Second is spike protection, which guards against lightning strikes. In effect, the UPS dies and your computer survives. Surge protection keeps the power flow below a given point. And line filtering removes noise on the power line, say from an intermittent electric motor.…
