From the course: Help Yourself: Tech Tips Weekly

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Troubleshooting Bluetooth

Troubleshooting Bluetooth

- [Instructor] Bluetooth is the wireless peripheral standard used by mobile devices, as well as many laptops and even desktop computers. Coupled with its popularity is the occasional minor quirk of Bluetooth connection issues. Let me help you sort them out. The first step in Bluetooth sleuthing is to ensure that you have an actual Bluetooth peripheral. Not every wireless device uses the Bluetooth standard. For example, some wireless keyboards and pointing devices use their own wireless receiver dongle plugged into a USB port. Check for this dongle, but also check for the product information for the device to ensure that it is a Bluetooth device and not using its own proprietary wireless standard. Second, ensure that the Bluetooth peripheral is on. Each one has a power switch which must be active for the gizmo to communicate. Also, check the device's battery level. Some gizmos have a battery light and they may also…
