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Repartitioning a drive

Repartitioning a drive

- [Presenter] In this file Explorer window you see all the storage media available to this computer, drive C but also an external drive D. This drive holds two terabytes just about but what I really need are two-one terabyte drives both of which can be hosted on this single external drive. Open the disk manager, tap the start button and type disk manager until you see this item, create and format hard disc partitions. Here is drive D. It's empty which I can confirm in the other window, nothing there. My task is to remove the existing partition and create two new partitions. Back in the disk management window, right click on the drives partition. Choose delete volume. The warnings states, all data will be erased which is okay in this instance, click Yes. And the partition is gone, the drive storage is now unallocated. Over in the file Explorer window, you can see that drive D is gone. The physical drive remains as…
