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Mapping a network drive

Mapping a network drive

- [Host] For network storage you plan on accessing frequently, consider mapping the shared folder to a drive letter on your Windows computer. I'll open a file Explorer window. Press the Windows in E, keyboard shortcut, and choose this PC from the address bar. Right there or you can choose it over here from the Navigation Pane. Here on my computer you see a list of network locations. These tiles represent Network Storage that I've mapped to Drive Letters. Drive V is the Network Storage on my file server Olympus. To create these shortcuts click the Computer tab, Map Network Drive, Map Network Drive. Click the Browse button to hunt down some Network Storage. I'm going to choose the Osaris server which is just another computer on the Network. Now if a password is required for access you'll be promoted to input it at this point. In this instance the other computer has security settings that require I have an account on the…
