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Locating a lost file

Locating a lost file

- [Instructor] Where the lost file went isn't as important as getting it back. And how you look for that lost file depends on what you know about losing it. To start looking for a lost file you just created, open the program where the file was created. Here in Microsoft Word, I'm gonna click the File tab and choose Open, which is selected for me automatically. And you see a list of recently opened files. If you see the missing file, choose it from the list. Now, for Office 365, if you'd rather find where the file is hidden, you can right click on the entry and choose Open File Location and the folder window appears, showing you where the file dwells. With this version of Word, you can copy the path to the clipboard. Press the Windows and E keyboard shortcut to bring up a File Explorer window and paste the address in the address box in order to view that folder. And I'm gonna edit off the file name here. Press…
