From the course: Help Yourself: Tech Tips Weekly

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Fixing a photo

Fixing a photo

- [Instructor] Two common, easy, and powerful image editing tools are crop and rotate. Here's the photos app of the default image viewing and editing app in Windows 10. The rotating crop tools appear up here, rotate and crop, and this symbol is common for crop in just about any photo editing program, even photo editing apps on mobile devices. Click it, and cropping works like scissors to snip away unwanted parts of an image. Here, as in most photo editing applications, you move the crop handles to resize the crop box surrounding the area of the image you want to retain. You can move the image around inside the crop box, though in some programs you may actually move the crop box instead. Either way, the goal is to center the image and line it up. Use these guidelines to help you position the image properly. Various courses in the library offer further tips on properly framing an image. If you're unhappy, you can…
