From the course: Help Yourself: Tech Tips Weekly

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Fixing a full hard drive

Fixing a full hard drive

- [Instructor] Ideally your laptop or PC should come with a roomy hard drive. Capable of storing all your programs and files. When things get tight however, you'll see a warning on the screen about diminishing storage or you can visit the This PC window to confirm that storage capacity is high. Press the Windows + E keyboard shortcut to bring up a file explorer window. Choose This PC from the navigation pane, here you see a hard drive that's nearly full. It could also be a thumb drive or a media card in this view the thermometer shows an ugly color of red. The first thing you should do, is run the Disk Cleanup utility. Right click on the drive and choose properties. And then click the Disk Cleanup button. This specific drive is a demonstration but to show you how Disk Cleanup really works, I'll run it on drive C which has more interesting items to clean up. Here's a quick list of items that can be readily deleted I…
