From the course: Help Yourself: Tech Tips Weekly

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Creating an instant table in Excel

Creating an instant table in Excel

From the course: Help Yourself: Tech Tips Weekly

Creating an instant table in Excel

- [Instructor] With only a few exceptions, most of the work you perform in Excel is on a table, rows and columns of information like this. So when Excel, it helps you work with a table by officially christening it as such. This act provides access to a host of handy table formatting and data manipulation tools. So with any cell selected within your table, press Control + T. Excel guesses at the table's dimensions, which it's pretty good at, though I'm going to make an adjustment here. And this table does have headers, so I leave this box checked. Click OK. Excel instantly converts your data into a table with a few handy features. First, you'll notice that your table is formatted for you. The Table Designs tab is front, and you see here a gallery of table styles, any one of which you can apply to your brand new table. Items in the Table Style Options group let you further customize the table's appearance. Here, the…
