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Choosing a search engine

Choosing a search engine

- [Narrator] It's accepted that Google is now a generic term, but it began as a search engine. It's not the only one. Microsoft's Bing search engine is pretty good competition, especially in a market dominated by Google. DuckDuckGo bills itself as an anti-trafficking search engine. Even more search engines are available, though Google is obviously the dominant player. So which one is best and what are you missing, if you don't use one of the others? The major issues when selecting a search engine are effective results, advertising bias, and privacy. For useful results, you want a search engine that prioritizes what you're looking for without bias and without assuming what you really want is to buy something. Here is Google's search result page for Julius Caesar. There's a summary on the right, but also some frequently asked questions here. This is a very nice feature. On Bing, you see the summary information, but also…
