From the course: Help Yourself: Tech Tips Weekly

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Changing AutoPlay behavior

Changing AutoPlay behavior

- [Instructor] The Windows 10 AutoPlay feature instantly recognizes inserted media, and initiates a preset action based on your previous choices. To review those choices open the settings app, press the Windows and I keyboard shortcut, choose devices, and on the left side choose AutoPlay. This master control turns AutoPlay on or off. When it's on you can choose the defaults for various types of media. Removable drives and memory cards. Other storage devices you may attach to the computer, such as a phone or music storage thing might also appear in this list. To change an AutoPlay option select one from the menu. For example, I prefer that a folder window open whenever new media is inserted. You can check out other items on this list, such as to take no action or to ask me every time, or to be prompted to configure storage settings. Other items appear on the list as well, depending on software installed. Such as this…
