From the course: Help Yourself: Tech Tips Weekly

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Using AI in Excel

Using AI in Excel

- [Instructor] Excel features a host of AI tools, though you may not recognize them as such. For example, go to the Data tab. And in the Get & Transform Data group, you find this button From Picture. You can choose an image on your hard drive. I'll choose this which is a grid of numbers. Click Insert and Excel's AI powers examine the image, trying to pull out a grid of numbers or values. Here you see the image, and then Excel's interpretation below. Now some items aren't correct, which you can fix, click Review, and you're presented each of the items. So this is 0, not an O. And next I see 17. But then here, 46 has an extra character. You can just repeat this action, plowing through all the numbers to correct whatever is misinterpreted and properly insert this image as a series of values. Accept the changes. And then, import the data. Here is the grid. Here you see a list of names, first name and last. In column C, I want to put the full names. Now, I could concoct a complex formula…
