From the course: Help Yourself: Tech Tips Weekly

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Refining AI results

Refining AI results

- [Instructor] They say that AI, artificial intelligence, is smart, but to engage those smarts, you must also be a smart user. Here I'm using ChatGPT in a web browser. It works like a search engine, though it understands questions as you would ask any expert. Who was the youngest president of the United States. The answer is in dialogue form. Rather than just show, Teddy Roosevelt, it presents the result of a dialogue. The youngest person to ever serve as president of the United States was Theodore Roosevelt, and it adds additional information such as, he became president at the age of 42 following the assassination of President William McKinley in 1901. The power here is with a complex query, something that may take you more effort to compile on a traditional internet search engine. (keyboard keys clicking) Who were the 10 youngest presidents of the United States? The system remembers your line of questioning so you can refine the results after their presented. For example, (keyboard…
