From the course: Help Your Team Prioritize What Matters Most

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- Six months from now, how will you know if your efforts around simplifying and prioritizing are actually working? By establishing metrics that relate to each of your simplification and prioritization goals. This enables you and your organization to measure the results of your effort. To get started, answer the following questions to come up with three simplification slash prioritization goals. Capture each one of these questions on paper or device. Now, number one, in which areas of our business will simplification have the biggest impact? Two, which key processes and systems should be simplified to make that impact a reality? Number three, which prioritization activities do we want to happen every day? And finally, what types of results will indicate that we've achieved our simplification slash prioritization goals? Hit the pause button now, and come back when you've drafted three goals. (gentle music) Okay, now it's…
