From the course: Help Your Team Prioritize What Matters Most

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The simplification test

The simplification test

- Let's do a quick knowledge check. In your own words, what does it mean to be simplified? Take 30 seconds to write or type all the words you associate with the concept of being simplified. Is the word clear on your list or understandable? How about easy or uncomplicated? After interviewing hundreds of experts in academics, my team and I invented an awkward, but effective acronym to remember what simplicity is, MURA, spelled M-U-R-A. Now, M is for minimal, and it refers to the number of steps, features, approvals, pages, et cetera standing in between you and the completion of something. The Apple brand exemplifies minimal, from the online and Apple Store experience to packaging and products. Minimal is also evident in Apple's decision to remove the headphone jack from new iPhones and phase out products like the no-longer-relevant iPod. The U stands for understandable and refers to clear, straightforward language that…
