From the course: Help Your Team Prioritize What Matters Most

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The power of prioritization

The power of prioritization

- Congrats on leveling up your skills of prioritization. From YURA to NNTR, you've now got an arsenal of tools to simplify your daily work. As you apply them outside this course, I'd love to know which ones have the biggest impact for you and your teams. I hope you'll share them in the comments below or when you connect with me on LinkedIn. If you like reading books as much as I love writing them, consider ordering my latest, "Why Simple Wins" on Amazon. In it, you'll find detailed techniques for the exercises we covered in this course. And if a five minute read is more your speed, check out my monthly Forbes column that explores the intersection between simplification and innovation. Thanks for spending your valuable time on this course. Because leaders and influencers like you are willing to publicly shift their behavior, hearts, minds and habits can actually change across your entire company.
